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North America Map Update for KW NT1 v.3: Get the Most Out of Your JVC Navigation Unit

All marine mammals in Australian waters are protected under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Fishers are required by legislation to report fatal and non-fatal entanglements of marine mammals to State and Commonwealth fisheries management agencies. The greatest threats to small cetaceans in Australian waters are also associated with gill netting, purse seining operations and trawl fisheries [19]. Here, the species most often affected by fishing mortality include: bottlenose (Tursiops spp.), common (Delphinus delphis), Australian snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni), humpback (Sousa chinensis) and spinner dolphins [20][21]. Thousands of dolphins have died in commercial fishing operations over the past three decades [21], the impacts of which are impossible to quantify without baseline data on the abundance and distribution of dolphin populations across the vast majority of Australian waters [22]. The tropical waters of north-western Australia are no exception, where numerous dolphin populations are exposed to commercial fishing, as well as large-scale habitat modification through the proliferation of the oil, gas and mining industries. No population estimates exist for any species in this region [23].

We thank the Steering Committee of the project (Dr. Lindsay Joll, Shane O'Donoghue and Graeme Stewart) for helpful discussions and advice during the research. Assoc. Prof. Elisabeth Slooten, Dr. Konstantinos Stergiou and Dr. Brett Molony provided comments that greatly improved the manuscript. Our thanks also go to Vanessa Jaiteh and various members of the Pilbara Trawl Fishery, especially the skippers and crews, for in-kind and logistical support. The Department of Fisheries WA provided the updated skippers' logbook and observer data upon which this research was based. Dr. John Henstridge of Data Analysis Australia provided statistical advice. We also thank Geoff Diver and Gavin Kewan for independent observer data collection.

north america map update for kw nt1 v.3

You'll see turn-by-turn directions on the screen and enjoy access to over 6 million points of interest. Text-to-speech technology calls out the name of the street for your next turn, letting you keep your eyes on the road. You can update your maps through the SD™-card slot — you can even copy your own points-of-interest from Google Maps on your home computer, then load them onto the KW-NT1 using the SD card.

SD Card Slot: The KW-NT1 features an SD-card slot, on the back-side of motorized touch-panel LCD monitor display, which will accept SD-cards up to 2GB (LCD panel must be detached to access SD-card slot). This unit can play MP3 audio files stored on an SD-card. You can control basic functions such as Play, Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind and Track Skip. You can also select advance functions such as Track Repeat, Folder Repeat, Folder Random and Random All. All tracks on the SD-card will be played repeatedly until you change the source. This unit supports data transfer rates up to 10Mbps and can recognize up to 5,000 files and 250 folders with a maximum of 999 files per folder. This unit will recognize a total of 25 characters for file/folder names. The SD-card slot can also be used for POI and mapping updates.

HELP WANTED FEMALEWANTED Lxpene reed buttonhole workerill kinds of aoous ami colers 232 1st stWANTED several ladles 10 address and oM ave ncircular inu 1 plain rapid writers vivvartcd two ladies who can olK ratc the Horn-lnilon typewriter mlaix 51 IT vvcei VIdrc 110 7 this cPice J 3W VNTI D V vvlitrci s from II to 2 i p rvve cK and J oaW JUIrtUM 1 1 11 louFa ate in 3HOME WORK I onthlv Cfpvlns litterscither s send two stamis for particularsHICKs IIIA CUMPVNY 3 l Halstrel ftt lilc ago mlS9 TO 11 WFlhLY No canvassing an hourcr to vni will ail 1 i to e to jourweeVJi lncoi mclci e stamp work mailed onapplication TYw NTIBTH Il NTIRY MVNlr YCTl RIM COMPWi Toledo Ohio nilYANTH1 lvv to do copying at liomeno cinami good salarv inclose stampWVIiHhN fllMlHYL COMPVNY DetroitUch a mlWANTED--Vet Ivc Cjtliollc lalv to work athome 30 ikild fcr 12 days trial permanentit satisfactory JUIIN ENW VI LBui lire Chicago mlWANTIJ1 V colored cook at 231 la ave nwwages 13 per month m27 2W VNTED Exjienenced voting white waitresseasy hours wngs it per week Apply VLLIS CMK 17 12lh st nw ilW VNTI II V pood woman to do general housework in a farraly of three 405 Gth hi sw elVNTI 1 Young woman to care for a grntlemans apartments Address BOY 73 this otiiceelWVNTH Girl light hou evvork Comer 10thand JIartford sts llrookland m26 3WANTFD Girl about 10 or 13 years of acemust be a good penman and extra good atfigures and reference as to honesty no otherneed apply BOX S3 thu ofiice e25 2WANT1D A sittlcd woman to cook and helpin small family must be well recommendedApply 3214 N t nvv c21 tfEELP WANTED MALE FEMALEWAVTKD Mamoil couple wife to laousekcepfur family of two man nitst be familiar withgrocerr Addns with ixfirencc HOCO thw office in2J 37 ii-tt ANTED Certain etcnings a dictator lhingnar Le Droit Park Addrcy BO 04 thisoffice m20 3WANTED AGENTSWANTED ix Jad ajccntg light work pooduUrj UASU1NOTOV ART CUMIAN 1129Tth it nw i m20 7SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALEATH lrto taVe homea rct class laundress w a -lungddrcs32S K it ew ml1ANTIJ Yashin to do at home or workcut t the day b pood laundrvss iItHTTKNEII SOU E st nw mlM TFI doneprices 1516 iladtson st nwANTE1 Ib joungexperienced age Vjotaccmld ummcrmlV AXTLD Sewing by neat seaixstrer D0c aday neat work references BOY 54 thU ofPc clSITUATIONS WANTED MALEman place in bakerAddrort BO 4 thumlWANTKI Position as foreman on excavationrailroad or Fewer work references AldresJBOf 7f this offlcc elANTED U an exrKnenced bookkeeperstenograpt er and salesman good paying iwtion can furnish bert of city referencesIIOY 67 thU othce m26 3WANTED By a colored man place as Janitoror w atenman gooa rctcrence Apply 22U7 I4uit pff m2C 3WANTED B- licensed engineer position Call221S tb st nw c25 3WANTED ROOMSWANTED Two fumMied rooms one whichmay be used for a small kindergarten and theother a a bedroom nice location state priceAddress BOY 75 this office e20 3W NT1 D Three unfurnisncd rooms lighthousekeeping rent not to exceed 20 centrallocation Address BON 45 this office m2C 3WANTED Two rooms furnished for lighthousekeeping state pr ce Address BOX 52this office m25 3WANTED By iran and wife three unfurnishedrooms in Northwest state full particularsAddress BOA 50 tins office m25 3W ANTED One furnished room for lady andchild 4 3 ears rear 14th and U fits mealsout Addres BOA 15 this office c2t 3WANTED ROOMS AND E0ARDWANTED By gent room and part board inprivate family vicinitj Treasury Building Address BOX b3 this office mlWANTED By gentleman roon and boardnoon dinner desired Address BOX 40 thisoffice c24 3WANTEDFLATSWANTFD Flat firn floor four or five roomaall modern improvements adults central location car line reasonable Address II E1525 North Capitol st m26 3WANTED BOARDERS13U MtDhlte WANTED Terms reasonable fivemiles from Gerliutntown hhh and healthtmre mcustain air good mineral water Ad-limu MHS II A SNDKH Cedar CroetMontgoiner Oaurfr Md Jy2325 27WANTED MISCELLANEOUSPLAIN SEW1N Q lor ladies in office S3 3Jit nw uri7 3WANTFD Will bu diamond if cheap nojtawnbrokcrs or capjrs Address BO tt thisoffice mlH AXTLD ttov es We pa Lg money forfctoves Ne us before yen sell jour stove Weare headquarters FRlIS A HOlWOOD tthand K nw m27JWANTED Furniture of all kind store andoffice fixtures H c us Ufore you sellH HOPH OOU fcth and h sts nw m27 3WINThD counter ten feet long 317 0 stnw c2U 3JIATTUfci FS J sDE 0 Fit on preraLse 1MJ J HJ NKi 4g7 Pa ave nw in2C 3WANTED One hundred pairs common pigeons1237 10th St nw mJO 3W ANTED Combination pool and billiard tableIn good condition liveo cushions must bebargain T1IOM 31b Bond Building m20 3WANTED Dic graphophone ami RemingtontypewriUT must be cheap Adares 110V lathis Gfhce m25 3W ANTED Furniture srd carpets buying contents cf Iioum s a specialty highest spot caJiaicni paid drop postal to II I t V 1103t st nw prompt attention Jv 22 15tWANTED White rati mice small turtles andLomlng pigeons ttllMIDS BIBO bTORl 71212th st nw eUIOWE Bli AIL KINDS cf secondhand wheelvV T IHNT1II 113 Pennsylvania ave nwCt ItOLD GOLD SILtER AND COINS bought 615C st nv U MARTIN Jy7 30tW ANTED Furniture and carpets of every description contents of houses etc highest casiTric s paid Drop postal and will call at onceK W ALOENbTEIN 410 lOtli it nw Jy3 tfWANTED- IUOHLST cuttlintc paid tor ladlescnJ gentlemens catfT clothing Address poatal nd 1 will call B TAKhllES 1303 7th stnw el7 S0WANTiD Iurnlture and carpets buying contents cf houses a specialty highest spot cashprice paid drop postal to A II LE Y ltf SF s nw romt attention Jc22 lmWANTUDOld gold silver watches and diamonds Highest cash prices Ala AH VMS3J 9th at nw ielt ttUELP WASTED MALEYVANTID white union barber 43nW VVT1 1 Halter 1I1C Vl HOTELh Stml315 PamlW NTH Iinniodutelr relbble Iritlintl1 Up MruifJit nun of ctnerjl ccrirc aniabilitt i raeim uleniiiii oUmlairil linertftrenee jml In rnutnrnt J J Illox 175 eieland Oht mlt Will V anj honct nun -3 r monthari all tiartlm to take tnlen furtut irtralt tt ncrn in the I nitcuMates iour jlar will he iiuraiiteel andiKrmMnp it Vddrii rtdllUts VKTI llNK Deimnt 411 Chicago 111 nilMill HI rorktt hitchitiR U hit hInunth tarrud in ixnktt Mgiit feederaudits wanted PWhLT HITrillNC VOTOMPAVi Department h llichmund Jnd mlW NTri Colored man to tnel and collectin Iitrut of Cohimhn V alary to Itinno eiwrfrm e rtfrencT sendenielnje for jdrtimlar M M rtTtltnt 70250 Dearborn c Ctilcago mlU VV11 Marnptr to work on cmbo inffpress dd fs ctatln tiitnence JIO 7oflkt nilWAVT1 D FTpcriencetl traveling halcftnan ofgood ujptarjnce ami to place our linewith the pmeral mi rcliandi e trade reftreneeaand lioinl requin d IM ts M Loui iomlU VVTI D aleman VjO ier week andpuararteetl slln cliemieal refrigerating machines to hotels restiurant biitthfrtand imrthants cool all kin U if nfnstntoncbcjinr than Ice alw chemical lie en amfmier works automatic write for tiirilur isample CHMIKU Ilr riCICMUTOHAND nthlFU 0MIN fetation U Cicago mlV NTED Fngiaeers firemen machinists andelwrincians tend for 40unage pamphlet containli questions aated by etaniinirg boardof engineers to obtain engineers license Adcrea CLU A 71AUMI rublislicr room GSIS S 4th st St Louts Mo mlOSulOtU Janitor in small flat building atnbtworth temjerjte indunous nettled eoloretl man trained to housework and care offurnace Address string references BO 72thi othif e20 1Vi AXTt D Four brick fosters two good shoveler MONROi k 11 LL 1IKICK Cll JOth and11 Kt fce elWANTED 30 waiters for resort fare paid Iwthwajs BLHCKSs lltnnL ACL0 5 fl huhst nv lWTI I lounc white man Irish or Hermanto wash and clean up about a restaurant 33II st ne elW ANT IX all Fcrapers at once W 1LLI M lyOLTl 007 11th st mv elWANT1D Two good insurance collectors Applj Monday S a m C23 V tU nw elANTED A steady farm hand on smallfann Inquire at doctors office C17 tth sc nw23 3WANTID Stone maonrt at Fort Mjer a Applj to MEADS IlhOLDs on newr stableBring toolx elWANTED A bright lcy of 17 or 19 to help Instore Address BO JO Times Office elWANTED V pood strong boy with a wheelfrom 3 to C 1116 II st ne n26 2WANThD White barberurn uu 7th ft ncra e chance for rightWANTED Fncrty fie pood colored men forrailroad gradng cood quarters treatment andlay Call 1251 32d t nw m2e 2WANTED A fctout white boy to drive horse andcart S hour work jer day jcb the jear roundfor the rizht boy wages J 50 fxr week ApplyBUItGDOKF STBLEa 410 41l 6th st nwc25 2W ANTED S or 10 brick masons at once 1IOUTON HLMKNWAi Extension to the Government Hospital for the insane WashingtonD C c24 3WANTED FARMSKAVTFD A rmall suburban farm 10 to 60acres on electric railwa also a larger productive dairy and fruit farm 3 to 10 milesfrom city good improvements give all particulars ana nee terms etc Aaaress - lFOGLL Box 10S Newmarkit A a m20 3WANIED MONEYWAjnTIf By a ladj dovernrcent rnploycto bonvvr 100 will return 135 in paymentsof 13er two monttis Adlress BO 03this office in20 3T-WAKJTED HORSES AND VEHICLESW NTKD By doctor liorie for his keep lightwork ddrres BOX 78 this office m27 JWANTED Hore for light delivery no dealersneed apply BOV 74 this office e20 3FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLESFOR SALE One top wagon 1 canopy dayton1 buggy and horse and liarncs 141i D su eec2ijFOR SKLE Cheap work horsest nwApply 235 Gm6 3FOR SUE S40 or new rurabout if sold atonce 201 12th 61 n e25 3FOR SALE Top wagon 1244 3d t sw m25 3IOR SLK Twt ntr inrlnia hows amongthem several fine driving and saddle horsesalo lio s rubWr tire runabout and harnesscheap FiinUJ01jNSOS714Estse miiZFOR SsLE 12 head of horses suitable forheavy liaullhg 2 road horses and 1 fast pacinglion alo Shetland puny suitable fcr childrento ride or drive no reasonable offer refusedhoies above will suit ans business Call atstable riar 212 i st n t22 7FOR bIE Five horses and one heavy muleRear C14 F st nw m23 7LOSTLOT On Columbia Road steel lag containing trold watch glasses and monev Rewardif nturned to 1KKJM 70 W L lYust Building mlIXST Open face siher watch on 11th rt oiPa ave Hi ward KIS 3 It It st nw mlLOST Frida nicht in northwest an IriJiFetter litth lit turn to 031 1 st nw and getreward e2fl3LOST White fox terrier lrown ears answersname Teddy Reward if nturned to 703 7thSt nw 1120 3IOST On M st two bunches of contractsriiider return sane to offlce 112 F st nwand receive res ard W20 3LOST Sw tacles in cae oi I Utween Othand JOtli or 10th to New or ave Pleaseretui to 1013 New vorKave nw m2o 3FOUNDFOFNI B- convinced that WILKINS 024 Othei rn In fTrim is the bet Trr it lUcgallon 5lc hslf gallon e0 0101ND One pair gold glasss skeleton framePi1l3 1311 E rt nw after b p m e23 3IXLND At Laceys most modern lee creamfactory in America delicious chocolaes vanilla and strawberry ice cream mailc fromthe fruit net the acid 00c per gallon Alsoloiceys special 70c per gallon Oace 1307 Newkork A v Ihcns llals Ifll ilelO tfFOR SALE BICYCLESFOR SUF Two ladles wheelsnew ehiap 1T02 I st nwKR iIF Udja blcjeleone good aamlfine running or-dr V Address BOY 47 this oiiicj m23 3FOR -ALE fienfa blcjele good condition MVddresa BO 48 this otacc m25 3WALL PAPERrEW DAYS MORF Rooms paperedHUNT 407 G st nw81 M upm2l 7NOITE E24 8th st nw Is constiltly recerrleg the latest and most attractive designs inWall Papers and papers from 2 00Call and investigate fcr ounelf and bo eoivla td mil tlTHE TDIES WASHINGTON SUNDAY IIILY 27 1902FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMSIlt III NT eeond tory front tlijEn roomand kite hi n c oinpletclj furnished for houkit ping to niretl adult ulo Io ltng forintleinen 0 U Ft nw mi7 31K IIFNT Mb Ntw ot ae mcelj furnlslicl parlor al w slngUarums transientsm27 3MU HF NT I iirnihM nun 7 also roorrs forI ht houstAiiphift 510 h Ft nw m27 3ftK HKNT iM Ntw orknLhetl room1 trarwieiiUI1H 111 NT Two delightful rooms furnishedfir honseki eplng pruate family 313 Ma nae ne - m27 3FOH HE NT Two funiisie comim nlcatingTvvua wmtlurn cxpoiurc rur three car linessmall fjmih 50Ii spruce st Le Druit Parknw m27 3HU BENT nimUhcil roomApply 124 E st neroil RENT 3 unfurnWicd roomsnw Call after 5 p mcoinenient tom27 3IOIl HKNT S10 complete furnished lightliotiMkeepir two small room third tUrcookirg gas includnL 33 K t m m27 3JrOR lit NT Furnished rooms 5 and il gentlemen 415 C rt nw 2o 7FOB BENT Two ctimiminhaimg furnishedroom on second lionr light housekeeping 71Ullhode IVand aie nw e26 3lm nFNT Furnishe1out Uunl U17 II st twithrates t rJ 11 1 h t nwor withelKIt RENT V coml flour furnished room genthman 1415 1 st nw t231VR KENT 1115 I st nw delightfully coollarge Landmine second ton front room facing Huth opposite par nxsonahlc one otherroom uJ2Q 3Ftlll KENT 01 lth st nw two large frontroon s well furnished five windows comerhomi rexonable ri2fi 3TOR KENT FurrLshetl rooms summer rateswith or without board 414 Ctli st mr m271 011 RENT Completelv furnUhed light housekitping three delightful parlor floor roomsnfrujerator sereins ga range rent sf20 35K ft n m26 3FOR IU NT 1120 Oth st nwlight housekeeping suimmrfurnished roomsrates ni20 310H RENT Ftirnislied cpmmunicating roomslight housekeeping desirable and cheap 41i2d st nw in23 3Viilt RENT 70S 13th t nw large nicehftirnfihetl second story front room three windows also ma 11 rooms sunmitr trices m2C 3I Oil RENT Cool front and back rooms C13tth st nw miO Jnut WT- Cool comfortablyrooms 4 to 12 C22 E st nwfurnUhed je aI Oil HKNT Two second floor furnished lightlousekein rooms both front vtrj lightard cool crcrrthirx furni heil 10 1J2 Massaic ne corner 2d m25 3KOR RKNT Two rooms for light housekeeping622 Kt nw c23 31XR ItFNT Two newly fumLJied rooms Jland 7 month 513 1st nu i3 3TOR IlrNT Ijirpe hanikome funiished secondfloor front room 420 Sd st nw m25 31011 RhST For gentlemen 2 furnished roomsfront and back 4i floor witli luth one -3 amonth C12 ew Jcrsej aie nn e24 3FOR HPNT Two nicely fi rnislicd front bawindow rooms So csclu 1537 lath st nwt24 3IOH HENT Three rooms convenient for Xrnthstreet car employes 310 McLean aie ewe24 3rOR ntVT Mcelj furnished roomssummerC213BARTONSBeautifully furrnahed rooms with baths atsummer prices Jell tfFOR RE UMFHRMISHED H00MSTOR RENT Old 12ti st nw several verypleasant unfurnished connecllnic roons ah0furnished room iKiri elain bath ln27 3FOR RLNT Two large unfurnished rooms aUimprovements 10 715 M St ne m27 3FXR ItlTvT Three or four nice rooms unfurnished Ilrst or second fljor newly paperedJight housekecpirg private famtlj oi llireeheat gas and bath 423 I st nw m27 3i -TOR RENT Flat four lrge rooms and bathmi 12 0 monthly 313 II bt ne e20 3FOR RENT four bright unfurnished rooms furhouACketpiror on second floor porcelain bath310 St ne t2rriTOR HINT Four rooms unfurnished lightbouMkeiping 210 V st se C20 JrOR KENT Three unfurnished rooms n condfloor light housekeeping 107 2dst ne t20 3FOR RENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms rtasonable 1425 eth st nw lu2G 7tOR HENT Tliree rooms andhousekeeping 700 B t swbath lighte25 3lOR HENT 2 cool desirable unfurnished rooms1JU3 B st lie 1 Bquare frum Lincoln ParkC25 3IOR KENT Two or four unfurnished roomsfJ 12th t na ni 25 3IOR KENT Three unfurnished rooms -allmodern improvements of outh Carolina avest m25 3rIOR RENT Two unfumUhed rooms KiitaWifor llllt housekeeping 5 1315 I st ne Cit 330j II Ste2I3FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMSTOR RINT One or two furnished or unfurnished rooms pleasantly ltuatrd 010 R stnw ririIOR RENT Three rooms light housekeepingsummer rata single roorrs hoard conreuiiit1313 Uth nw i2ir3FOR KENT Pleasant fumlshrf or uufurnishedrooms lougliv or liiiht boasekeej In reaMiiable 51 Mas ave nw m25lROOMS AND BOARDROOMS AND BOARD near Capitol summerrates 210 1st tt ne m27 3IOR RENT Furnished room with board 71j11th st nw Iil27 3TOR RENT- Furnished or unfurnished roomswith board 1 jr week 010 3d ft nw niJ7 JHill K1NT Nleelv fjrnlshol nxni I maltfamily 1712 F st nw in27 JFOR HINT Large cool room Lay windoward 1 est table in private famil summerrates 172 M st nw tl2153 L T NW Rooms and good table boardsio sr month e2i JFOR III NT Furnished room 2d floor goodlsjsrd near two ar lines 4U2 51 st sw c24 3FOR RENT FLATSKill RKNT Flat four large rooms heat fasnl bath 20 a month 1024 Pa ave nwm27 3IOR RENT Five roem third story apartmentlarge yard M 3116 14th st tt P METil F 1305 1 st m27 3IOR RIVT FRIE 1 NTIL SEITFMIil It 1Tlie fol owing apurtmints will be Icastd fir onevear from Sptelnber 1 and ean move in atonee Two Isichelor flats 2 ruon a snl batheach 20 two fats 4 rooms and bath kitchenetc 30 one fst 5 rooms and bath kitchenetc 37 New fireprot f building elevatorelectric IgM Janitor service all modem eonvenletici s references reqjlrcd with each application For full tiartUulars aldnae BO GSthis efBce lu26 3TOR RENT 22 lllh st ne 5 rooms andbath porcelain tub Just psiercd a verydesirable flat summer price s7 II F SUEth and I sts nw m23 3FOR HKNT Flat of 4 rooms furnished heatgas bath llKtil uouseseeping jKrnntteil termsreasonable bl7 bth St nw e31 3COUNTRY BOARDUANTFI bummer boardersGTO K BIirCE WarrentonvppiyYaFOR EXCHANGEto MRSm22 10FOR EXCIIANGF Steam vacht costing 3oOand Ave liulldlng lots on Conduit Road formodern house doevntown CLWTON EU1IG Columbian Building n27 3FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUSSEWING MCIIINIs on credit 50c a week5 up all nuke oak and walnut eiery mathine ftuarantettl THE A Alt VTI E -I IMCHtNl COMlMN 425 4 st mv Opentunings ir27Mit cl L Two cook stoves with water Lac LiNo 7 ar d No b HUES K HDlWOOD sthand K tt nw mi JIXR EE tT fine hall rack natu al cherrycost Wt will se 1 for a kchxI as new FRIrsK HOlO0D tth and K ss nw m27 1Kilt SI F Itirniture from pmatc residencesand mt amthtrg jou ant furnitureat auiticm prii s IHD a IIOlWOUD1 6thard K st nw mJ7 3FOR -Alt TNo Folltl oak Ice boxes miltiblefor dd in lunch dining room or cardinghouse iim V HOPWUOD Mh and K stsn irl7 3TOR piece toilet sots roll edge basinlatest hifr special I 4 1R1IS ti 1101WOOD th and K sts nw m27 31 OR EE I irge ice lox suitable for groccrjor meat sore J ltlEb L HOlWOOD Sth andK st nw m27 iI OR sM F Contents cf tutnt two rooms finefitrnituri muU le sold at once leaving titOak biiroom suite yio refrigerator 7 Wjp ano v chli uniers librar tables brumled large mirrori parlor suite sideboirdroll top extension tabV importeil from Parisccst sjlOO for 20 hair iniittn s and abouttin wagon load of finest kind of furniturepositively must be sacnced 131 Oth st nw1H27 3I OR sLf Hne quartered oak roll top dtskilrst clas sav kiop with ocV both narlynew will btll heap Applj 1431 Howard atem7 310U K H-An ice boxin good conditionmJ7 3K0I1 SVIK Urcc upright desk Willi rmsacliriaions and clotli cohered nrlltn fiurucc at13 vortli doulle Call at 331 Md arc nen07 31 0l S Ih 1 or the cost of the engine scliooner jacht with power Ju t the boatfor cruLnnji P lltnTs 13 Aiton nt nealOIt SLI rurniture carpets new uprightpiano li Hlh su el10r I1 lurtraln for ome one who uncNrjtjnds Sitting mantles About tlftrcn riarMe an 1 slate mantles will m11 cheap Applr013 V 6t lit cllOR IE Oa account of goin away aliiarh imchine cost 30 used threemuntlLs Ill sacri3cc it sold at once AddreviHO 70 this office elFOR SUrEth st re-Old bricks and lumberApplj 305IilA 31 OR MF Remington typewriter in goodcondition 2250 cjjick tec any time at 4AOth st ne tuIi 3FOR SMK Larqe steam tabic comparativelynew 407 11th st pw in26 3IOR SU11010 11 rt i-das rarge good condition cheapie mSU 3TOR fcUb Sewing Machine bargains Singer3 Home l Hhite J IIoimIioIJ 10Mandjrd 11 M Wheeler Wilson 6 3all complete and warranted tor five ears atOlTlMlUMlIfs M W HOMI AOENCT 5HWli ft nw mi 3IOR b MK JMcriflee furniture 10 room houseroomers remain cheap rent Address B0 ithis office m25 3TOR SIE Cheap grand square Slultz andBauer piano in first class condition BOX 42this office C24 3FORmentSLK 6 cows willBO 33 tills offlcctake milk as payeft 3ORGANS 15 UPf3 MONTHLYBradburyI sleyMaron i HamlnNcedhamPAiMENTSWeaverWilcox k WhitebmlthAmericanWoodF G SMITH 1225 Pa AveCOME everybody and see the secret drawerbureau now on exhibition a place of protection lor valuables No I3a0 32d St nw c21 7FOR 8 LE S3 lor alorrls chairs with haircushion 6 for hair mattres In two parts oakarm rockers 1 43 bedroom and parlor sidttsfl 00 per ween KbDUO vD 311 Jla 7th stnw eStiSPfcCLlL One gallon port sherry blackberryCatawba or clartt wine for 75c one box 24bottles lager beer 75c delivered THOa IIUrAMUt 423 4ft St sw Phoue Main 1X 5mO tfTOR SsLE Good quality opaque shades fittedto your windows only 25c the best qualityoil opaque shades 50c hung tit will call witnsamples hlEEllLATTb 11th and II it nePhone East Z3 D elO UIJCSINESS CHANCESIOR s fK Ioirgc stock staple and fancyffroi cries in Northwe at invoice splendidcliance new stock groceries In Northeast V0large paint store dolls- prvtitahle busineicylunch rooms and cgar stores DLNLAP lol rst m27 3WILL EXCHANCi gorsl pajlng wholesalegrocery stock for horse anil buggj or runaboutAdires BOX 77 this offlce m27 3Vn YOt how to secure capital increase your business capitalize Incorporate sellstocki bonds guarantee bonds ttu write torinformation CORPOR TION LW COMIANTiJndlauapoUs mlFOR fHLE For spit cash a first class barbershcji good trade 20 jearold stand Aj pit CJ3L st nw m27 2101enceTORstoreSLE lunch room cheap if sold atCall for information at 317 Oth st nw2 III VI DIMS Bad bills collected or no chargeIn District of Columbia and all states newsvstem send them in C0TWALD U CONotary Public 022 F stIOR HINT Barber shop complete excellentbus ms to reliable party For Irformatiin callCXJ I j ave nw cCO 3IOR SVI1 Ciaar business one of the be stopjKrtumties in Washincton NEW OHK111 MNIsl HHOhFHS Cll F St H m233IOR SII CIgar store doing good businesswill saerilicc if Kill at once pruc 30 Address iOV 61 this eifflce m2G 3TOR SLI droceo store near school clianceto make money isil 1st t sw m2V 3W AN TU Partner lgitlmate ofBcc businessseleue no slock to carry nothing tu lme10 to s00 er dav price a2J0 Lall KOllJl23 017 Hip st nw m20 3tiMh Clieap frst claas1IOV 59 this otllceconfectioneryet3 31011 S LE Grocery ami small farm in lrginia Inquire luo4 4 st sw e25 3Clinit STORE business stn et will sacrificeto Immediate punliaeer Address BOV 57 thiscfllce e23 3IOR SLE Ice cream and evnfeetionery storegood reason for selling ddrrss BO 44 thUc tlice j m23 3TOR SLE ConfecllonervPr21 1st st nwand notion storeni23 3FOR MIT Ciar news stand and confectionery at transfer Junction 2 snap NE1VCIlik lirINi Illlllly 1 111 Oil t St 11120 3IOR Sl E Ilicvclt and tvpewrltlno businessclearing Sle j Jcarlj invcslloatc NEW lORKHHOKI lis Cll t St 1123 3TOR ME Old established dry goods storeInvoice ll0 retiring price 7jO NEtt MHIKBLMMss BROKERS oil F st tn2J 3IOR ILE Wholesale and reUU steam bakeryand confectionery i tellitij IiuO loaves I readdally hor s and wagons complete price5lJ retiring NEW VOIlk BLSINFSsHHOKI RS cll F st mS3 3TOR hVLE 330 gallon milk route with horseswagoiw and routes and tuildiiiai owner hasmad fortune business cleanup 4V J jeurlyNEW 01IK BLINESS BROKERS 611 F StU125 3CREDIT TO ALLDiamonds and Watches small weekly monthlypavnitnts lowest prices goods guaranteed delivered on first lavment business cunndentlslcall or write J DlllIyKEH 12CI corner Paave and 12th stupstaiis JjlSlStTRLTII ABOIT WATCHES and rcainsprlnrstOc BROWNE 504 V st nw rc21 tlFOREIGN MAILSW MIINiTON D lOSTOFHCE NOTICEFhould le read dilly as changes may occur atan time ilOKEKJN 1IES ar ilfspitchnl to the perls Iof Rilling daily and the Khedule cf closingsIs arrarged on the j resumption of their uninterrupteil otcrlind transit For the weescnilng August 2 Ii02 the last connectirdoses will v initio from the MIV OFFICE afollowsTrans Atlantic MailsMONDVV e t 11 25 m for luropeler s s hronfrin7 Wiihelm from New orkua i ivmoutn ci erbonrj and Bremenc Vt 11 25 p m for ITU A direct per ss U tmVirdf a from New Vorfc ilail must bedirected Tr s s UmlarJiaMAt 1125 p m for MnOPEler a s ilijestlt from New iork la tueenstounin iiii ttt iiiun ll 1MJ1V and I i 00rt ri Lf jni f b la rfime it ille lork via Iluvre Mail for others parts ofH ROIK must be directed Per s s Ia IwconeUllDAV c At llK p m for MTTIIERI XNDi din ct Kr s s btaatenddln from Kcwork Mall must be directed 1ir s sfctaatendamt t 11 ii p m for SCOTIlND illrectli Vstoria from New ork Mall mustbe directid Per s s Astoriac At II 33 pi in for IllUHFM direct pers s 7eeland from New York Mail irust bedirected iVr s s Aelarnli st ir23 p m for MIROIK per 9 slucania from ew ork via ueeiLtowne At 1123 p m for ITUY direct per tt Trave from ork Mjil must be dilecteJ Per s s TroveMails for South and Central AmericaWest Indies EtcVONDVY c At1123 p in for CENTRALAMERICA except Cost Idea and SOUTHPsCIHC PORTS per s a liueatan from Newlorn via Colon Mail for dlATEMVLV mustbe directed Per s s Yucatanc At 1125 p m for fllll N TH and TRIMDVD alo CH DVD BejIIVAR per s s Grenada from New Yorkc At 1125 p m for ST THOMAS STCI0i LEEW VKI and WINDWARD ISLANDSand BRITISH DITCH and FRENCH OUIANWper a s Madiana from New YorkTU1 SD VY d At 12 m for J VM V1CV per ss Admiral Dcveev from Bostonc At 915 p m for NEWFOlNDLVND direct per s 8 llosaland from New t0rkfc Vt 11 3 p m for IIRA1U per s sBcllaggio from New ork via Pernambucoand Santos Mail for NORTH UN BRAZILmust be directed Per s s Bellayrgioc At 11 25 p m for the BVHVMVS per ss AntllU from New York Mail must be directed Per s s Antlllac At 11 23 p m for TlHKS ISLVND andIXiMINlCVN HHUHIIC r s s Cherokeefrom New VorLWFDNESDVY c Vt 11 23 p m for CAMPECIIE tHIVPAS TABVSCO and kUCATANIr s a Havana from Xew ork Mall forother parta of MEXICO must be directed Pers g Havanac At 11 25 p m for the BMIAMVS andthe PHOWNLE of frVNTIVGO CLB pera Saratcga from New orkTHURSDAY d At 12 m for J VM VICA pers s Admiral Sampson fronr Bostdntc At 1124 p m for jiriAicu per s salatanzas from 2cw vork via iamplcoc At 1123 p m for INAGLV and IIVITIper s s Paloma from New loneFRIDAY c At 1123 p m for BERMUDAper s s lretorla irom New lorc At 11 23 p m for PORTO RICO per 8a Coamo from Nsyv kork via San Juanc At 1125 l m for YUCATAN and CAM-rELlit p r s Ilaverwtate from New lorxc At 1123 p m for CXRVCVO and YFNEZUELV per s 8 Maracalbo from New YorkJlall for SVYAMLLV and CARTVGENA must bedirected Per s s Maracalboc At 1123 p m for FORTUNE ISLVNDJWIVICV SVANIMV CARTAGEW andGREYTDWN per s s Allogliany from NewYork Mail for COSTA I1ICV must be directedPer s s AllevwhanyMails for NEWTOl NDLVND br rail to NorthSydney and thence via steamer close heredaily except Sundays at 12 m and on Sundays at 11 30 a m The connecting closes artmade on Mondays and Wedne sdays d kMails for MIOt ELON by rail to Boston andthence via steamer clese here daily exceptSundays at 12 m and on Sundays at 1130 am d OCUB V MAILS close here via Port Tampa KlaMcndavs Wednesdays and Saturdavs at 3 pm and via Miami Fla Tuesdays and Sundays at 1030 a in h fMails for MEMCO overland unless speciallyaddressed for dispatch by steamers sailing fromYork close here dail at 10 30 a m and10 p m 0 liMails for BI L17F PI rilTO CORTF andGLATEMVLV by rail to New Orleans andthence via steamer close here dally at 1030a m an 1 10 p m tha connecting forwhich being on 5IomIays f hMails tor COST I RlCV by rail to New Orleans and thence via steamer close heredally at 10 V a in and 10 p m the conicctlng closes for which lcinir en TuesdaysTrans Pacific MailsMails for CIIINV JVPVV and IUW 411andl nnttcr lor tlie PHILIPPINE ISLAND via San Iranclsco clo e here dally at6 30 p m up to July 27 Inclusive tor dispatch per s s Peru oMalls for HWVAII via San Francisco closehere dail at C 30 p m up to July 23 inclusive for el snatch pT s s Vlameda oMails fcr CHIN V IAPVV and HAWAII andfirst class mall for the PHIWIPINEsan Franciseej lose here dailr at 0 pin up to Vugnst 4 inclusive for dispatchper s 8 Coptic oMails for CHINA and JVPAN -via Seattleclew here daily at G0 p m up to August0 Irclusive for dispatch per s a KlnshiilMaru Registered mail must be directed lusVstfleMails for VISTKVLI except these for WestAustralia which are dispatched via ruropeiNEW 7EVLAND FIJI suiejv ana llivllvi sn Francisco close here daily at 0 ii pm up to August 9 inclusive for dispatch Irs s sirrn toMails for the PHILIPPINE WANDS viaSan I rancis o close here daily at 0 Tl p mup to August II inclusive for dispatch perI tranin viyMalls for CIHNV and JVPVV via Vincemver and v ictona 11 cj close nerc uanv ac0 30 p in ip to Awrust 12 Inclusive for illssnatch per s s Empress of Japan Registeredn ail nmst l specially addn eil Vierelundisi trr the United states Postal Vgenev atshanghai China cannot be forwatd d vli Canada oVails for VI STH VI I V except those for WestVitstralia vvhlcli are dispatched via Furojie andNew Zealand malb for which go via s nFrancisco and Jill lLIr via Vancouverand Y ictorla II C clov here dalle at 6 30 pin rfter Vugist D and up to August lit inclusive frr diipatch per 8 8 Miowera oMails fer TV11ITI and M V1IQI ES VS ISUVNDSvia San Iranclsco close here daily at ft 30 pm up to Vugust IS Inclusive for dispatchrer s s JlarliKia oMaiLs for COCHIN CHINV are dispatched tcNew Ycrk for connection with European steam-PHHIPIINF 1SLVNDS Military Mail diapatcheel to cnn 1 ranciso at all closes for thatcfllce to connect with Government transportsthe sailings of wlich are lrreularHFdlSTFRED M VILS clcxc at the MM NT OFFI E as follows a At C 13 p m samedav h at 1 p m same day c at 9 p inmm lav Ml at 6 05 a m came dav if at1 13 same eh h at 1 CO p m same dayo at 0 p m previous daJOHN A MERHITT Postmaster ISTORAGEWHY PAY 1 70 for storage when we store for7e INITT D STTFs ST01 VCE COMPVNY420 10th St nw m27 8BIRDS DOGS ETCBTLGIVN hares and guinea pigs 1 pair upthe stock for bovs to breed during vacsJust we have also white mice and pigeonswhmius nntn rrmtr is lth st n eirtMISCELLANEOUSLVW V DRESSES made for 2 50 also childrensdre scs very cheap 1312 G St nw elTRUNK IIFPAIIIINO at jour residence 50o upSi lid postal 751 tth st nw m26 3SEWINO MVCHINrS repaired 73c Drop wstal2S24 Pa ave nw Standard machines on trialm21 7WILLI VMS BOOK EXCHANGE Booksbought and sold also bookbinding In all Itsbranches U u eSO tlRAILROADSTVASHINGTOH ALEXANDRIAANDMOUNT VERNON RAILWAYFrom Station Pcnrjlrarla Are ud 13H MIn effect Hay 1 1KJ2Fm AlcTandria Wk day 8 SO 7 01 7 30S 10 819 8 29 9 13 10 IX 10 25 11 OO 11 30in 11203 1Z 20 12 45 x 05 12J V02 SO x3 02 J SO S S xiU 4 S3 4 51 SISXS 22 S 6 03 0 30 7 00 730 8 CO S45SO 10 15 1120 llSU p mSundj 745 8 W 8 45 10 30 lltm 11 SOa m 12 00 noon 12 3 1 00 1 SO 20J 2S SO 4 00 I 30 6 530 600 6 JO 7JTS0 0 00 845 a JO lOlS 1120 11 W p mFor Mount e mon eek davj Cso 8 W10 00 11 co a m xl2 S xluu 200 xs02S SO xl14 X5 22 7 X 9 30 p inEm Jars 8 W a p 12 00 noon fOO 4 00I m mlt PC lrl1 J to- j m1M iM j S0 i 02 -3 30 3 59 4S3 34I 8 22 08 8S0 7 00 8 00 p mp r i bo us io n coIND ITAIYl WAIN PORTrOAI TIKhKi knM a m 12 00 noon 12 SO 1 00 1 30I 30 8 00 3 30 4 00 4 JO 6 00 iJSOB 00 0 30 7 CO 730 8 00 p mxExpress To Arlirgton onlyParcels carried Baggage checkedJ COLYIN SuperintendentCLArjjai P KINO PresidentSOUTHERN RAILWAYSchedule corrected to July 27 1903Trafai Jearc from IVnnyIvjnIa Station01 a in Tally Ixul for HarriaonburgWarrpnton Cliarlottc and waj stations10 51 a m Dail j Washington Itlchmondand Florida Umltttl First class coaches anddrawing room sccjur to JacVaonTille Kla DinInt c ir ecrricc1115 a m Dally United States Fast MallHrst and drawing room sleeperto ew Orla iiu Dining Car scnice -v11 37 a m Dail Local for Warrenton andCliarlottesvlllc3 SO p in Saturdays only The WarrentonSpecial Alexandria Manassaa Calreton andW arrenton4 ol p m W erk Day u Local for Harrisonburg and way stations en Macasaas branch4J0 p jn Dailr Local for Warrenton andCIisrloitesTllIe845 p m Daily New York and Athnta Exprpsa nrat claoss coach and sleeper to AtlantaMondays Wednesdays and l ntla SunsetIloute Tourist sleeper ashington to SanFrancisco Pullman buffet service9 50 p m Daily eft lork and FloridaExpress Hrst clans coach and sleeper to iravanndli JactxsonTllle and Tort Tampa sleeperto Summcrrille Charleston Autusta and connect ion lor Aiken IJlnlnfi car mtyicc10 01 v m Iailr Wasliinirton and Chattanooa Limited via LynchbuiTc Firit classcoarli and sleeping car to iloanokc KnoxrilleCliattanooza and ilemp Is sleeper to NeirOrleaa Dlnlnjj car scrtice10 45 p m Dally AVashinston and Southwestern Umited All Pullman train club andobservation cars to Atlanta and Macon sleepers to Nashrille Atlanta Macon MemphisSew Orleans Dlnirfr car serriceTRAINS ON DLUEMONT BIUNTIIloearc Wariilrtt Tton week days 810 a m1 00 p m 4 35 p m 419 p m and C2jp in I -alter to Lccsbunr only fcundays onlyy fll ana 010 a m ana Gi pBluemontforThrough trains from the South arrive Washington 642 a m 6 52 a m 710 a rru 945a m 2 00 p m 915 p m and D 30 p mdally Iocai trains from Ilarrlonbunr 1155 am weeK aaja ana yw p m uauy rroinaiarlottcsrlllc 823 a m and 040 p m dailyTicket sleeping car reserratlons and detailed information can be had at ticket offices705 15th St 511 Pennsylvania Ave and Pennsylvania Station flagf age checked throughfrom liotels and residencesPhone Main 1441 P R R Cab ServiceC II ACKntT General Managerfe II II riDW ICK General Paasr AgentL b UUOWN Ccnera AgentSEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAYCapital City RouteLeave Washington Tenna K R BtatlonFAST MAILBEABOARDmOga m1 nnlli Through Pullman Sleepers touaJ Jacksonville connecting atBlet with PuUman SleeperP DnllV UWTED Solld train to StAucustlne with Pullman Drawing Room Com-Observation ana -rartmentKltaln Sleeper to Atlanta Pu Iman SleeperTuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays totrtXr excellent schedule andPetersburg Ralegb Southern Pinesverriw toJp7nVhurst Camden Coltuxbia JannahJsckonvvlfe and all Florida points CharlotteItn rT Atlanta New Orleans ChattanoogaNasaville points West and Southwestat30 airi LOCAL To Petersburg RaleighDfllW Southern Pines ImehurstHsmlet and Intermediate pointaOffice 14S1 Penna AveC B RYANPe sril Pass AgentVT II DOILCeneral AgectCHESAPEAKE BEACH RAILWAYFffcctlve July 23 lr2Trains leave District Line Station reachedby Columbia electric cars as followsTHROUGH EACUHSION TUAIN3Week clays 10 SO a m 1 00 230 513and 7 m Sundays and Holidays u15 111 3u1130 a m loo av ao a aw i uu s asRETURNTNO LEAVE THE BEVOIWeek dsvs 1240 2 30 5 7 and 10 p m Sundaes and Holidays 1240 1 30 J 3J l 3o -910 and 10 30 p mITIAISS FOR LOCAL POINTS LEAYTSWeek days 915 a m 515 p m Sundays915 a m 530 p mA II LEW IS 5 P A 1420 New York itOCEAN STEAMSHIPSAMERICAN LINEKEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON LONDONSthwkAug5 7 30 a mlMIaulAug 13 10 a mlhllphla Aug G 10 a mif tLouis Vug 20 10 amRED STAR LINENEW YORK ANTWFRP PARIS7eeand Vug 2 noon V aderld Aug lGnooni rieslsnd Vuec 9 noon hroonld Aug 23 noonINTFRNATIONAL NAYIOATION COMPANYCOMPANYS WASHINGTON OFFICE 1301 F StK VY or Cee Y MosJ 1411 C St N VYSTEAMBOATSNORFOLK WASHINGTONSTEAMBOAT COMPANYEvery day In the year from foot of 7thit for tt llonroe Norfolk NewportMews aid all points south by theperb poyverful steel palace steamersScwport News andW uhtngtcnf Wa tahtoiit 33 pLvl Alexandria 7 00 pnvi - iionroc vw uiAr Norfolk fl 00 amAx FortsnTth fl 15 amLv Portmth300 pmLt Norfolk fl oo pmLt i u Mcnroe7 03 pmAr Alexandria 0 30 amAr tttjhingtn7 00amVThrotlgh connections made at Nor-folk with rteamen of Old Dominicabteamihip Co for New York and- chants and Miners bteamshlps lor Dos-ton15RAILROADSPENNSYLVANIA RAILROADSTATION CORNER OF SIXTH AND B bT3750 A IL DAILY PITTSBURG EXPRESSParlor and Dining Cars flarrUburg to Putsburs1040 A 31 DllLY PENNSYcYAMV L1MI1TD ullman Sleeping Dining anioxicg actsObservation Cars llarnshurg tu Chicago Cincinnati Indianapolis M Louis Cleveland auiToledo BuSet farior LSr to Uamaoargio 50 A il DAILY FAsT UN Ei ullmaBuaet arlor Car to liuCet PaneCar lie rlaburg to lltuburg3 30 P 3i DAILY CHICAOO ANT ST IOUI3EYPHESi Seeping Car Washington to ULouis and and Dining Cars Uamsburato Indianapoii M Louis Loujvllle tla Cincinnati and Chicago715 P M DVILi ST LOCIS EXPRESSPullman Sleeping Car Harnaburg to St Louis743 P M DWLl WESTERN EXPRLSs PuIlman bleeping Car to Pittsburg and ChicagoCar to Crlcsgo7 43 P M DAILY CLEVELAND AND CINCINNiTI EXPRESS l ullman Sleeping Can W aldington to Pittsburg and Hamsburg to Cleveland and Cincinnati Dining Car10 40 P M DAILY PACH C EXPBESS PuHman bleeping Car to Pittsburg7 JO A il DAILY BUtFALO DY EXPRESSwith through Broiler fiutet Parlor Car aniCoaches to ilullalo via Emporium Junction750 A M for Kane Canandaigua Rochesterand Niagara rails daily except Sunday10 50 A 31 for Eltnlra and llenovo dally ex-I cept Sunday For W HlUmaport daUy 3 JO P 3d715 P M DAILY BUFFALO NKUT EXPRESSI with through Buffet Sleeping Car and CoachesI to Buffalo via Emporium Junction745 P 31 DAILY for Erie tor RochesterBuffalo and Niagara lalla ciaLy exceptday with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester10 40 P 11 lor Erie Canandaigua KocbesurBuflala and Niagara Fails daily PullmaaSleeping Car Washington tea ltocnesttr Datufdays oaly4 00 P M CONGUESSIONAI lU31iTEirDally for New Yck all Parlor Can vjritllDinir Car from BaltimoreFor Philadelphia New York and tinEastExpress 5 31 DIntns ChJ 700 DinlnsCr7J7 Dining Car 810 Ditdna CxjIOijO Dining Car 10 25 and ll OO DlnintCar from Wilmington A 3L lx4J Sdi 4Dining Car twin BUimore 0 SO 10KO P 3L1210 night On Sundays 3 30 Dinlnsj Cax7 00 Dinia tar 7 J7 Dining Car tiDining Car OOu 1045 1100 Cafrom rtllmlcgton A 4L 1J15 ISDining Car from Baltimore o50 109 riL1210 nightFor Philadelphia only Express 715 A M1215 P 3L week days IrOl IdO and 840 PFor Boston without cbange 743 A lsVVveltdays and 450 P M dallylor Baltiraort 5 00 5 JO 8U 7 00 713 75V7J7 810 90 10 00 1023 10 50 1100 Ait 1215 124J 120 128 201 815 839400 Limited 410 420 4J3 450 848613 860 715 745 10 00 1040 1VM P ILand 1210 night On Bundays 3J0 7a0 760737 810 800 903 1024 1030 1100 o11 1215 113 203 815 830 4 rOO limited410 420 460 5 40 010 fl oO IU5 74510 00 10 40 P li and lx10 nightFor Popes Creek Line 743 A M asd 4 J3 TM weea dayj Sundays 9 05 A IfFor Annapolis 750 A U 12 Hi and 420 PM week days Sundays 9 00 AU and 540 PJ4Seashore ConnectionsATLANTIO OTY BPECIAI 1J0 P Mweek days Solid vestibule train Pullraia Bntlet Parlor Cars and Coaches through to Atlantic CityY ia Delaware Blver Bridge only aU ratl routs1100 A 3L 410 P JL and 1819 nigndaily 1245 P 11 week daysYla Marxet Street YYharf 900 Saturday only1000 and IIM A M 124T P 3L weei daya1210 night caily 1215 P L Sundaya onlyFor Cape May 10 OJ A 3L 1115 and 1215 Pli weea days 12a0 night dailyFor Asbury Park Ocean Grove and LomeBranch 1210 uitjht dally 810 1100 A ILand It 45 P week daysTicket cfSces corner Fitteenth andO Street-and at the station Slxtij and B streets wherordera can be left for th checking of baggagto destination from hotels and residencesTelephone call U41 lor Pennsylvania Ballrill TOTlSoN J B WOODGeneral Manaccr Ceneral Passenser ArentCHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RYSchedule Fffective July 27 1002Trains Leave Pennsylvania Station2 00 P M Dailv CINCINNATI AND LOUISILLE EXPItEsS Solid vestibule tram forCincinnati Reaches Mountain Resort Statiorucame evening Cincinnati and Louisville nextmorninir fc t Louis and Chicago tliat eveningPullman Sleepers to Cincinnati and LouisvilleD ith Dining Car6 55 P M Daily W SHINGT0N AND STLOUIS SPEC1VL A new solid vtstibuledelectrlc lighted train arrmnj Cincinnati11 45 a m Indianapolis 325 p mt St Louisit 45 p m daly Chicago 640 p m weekday Iullman sleepers to Cincinnati Indianapolis and bt Louis without change Parlorrar Cincinnati to Chicago Dining car1110 P M Daily F K V LIMirED Soli Jtrain for Cincinnati Pullman Sleepers toCincinnati Lexington and Louisville withoutchange Compartment fclceper to VirginiaHot springs Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays connection daily Slecperc Cincinnati toChicago and St Louis Dining CarResrvatIors and tickets at Chesapeake andOhio cilice 513 Pernsylvania avenue 000 Fourteenth street near F and at the stationTelephone call 1441 for Pennsylvania R R CabService IL tt KLLLERGeneral Passenger AgentTelephone Main 10CCBALTIMORE AND OHIO R RSchedule in effect May 18 1502Leave Washington New Jersey Ave and O EtChicago and Northwest 1060 a in SiCincinnati St Louis and IsreisvUle 10 01a m 415 p m 1 10 nightPitoburg and Cleveland 10 50 a m SUp m anu nioueJolumnua anu mtu5 - - rYVmchcstcr 113 25 a m 1415 and a30l5 111 v renvsl t lWn Ijjuray liivertou - Ujm - ort a OA lilt J a tt ll MAnnapolis j - ii- h3 25 V mBay HiJge week days 010 a in specialand 4 SO p m Eundays 010 a re and 1SFrederick 9 35 0 00 1050 a- m 1134 3- and Id20 p inIlagctstown 1 10 03 a m and JlS 30 p mBoyd and vVav point 6 5 3 00 a a115 li SO 5 SO 10 15 IIH30 p mCaithersburg and way points lS 5 CO ain U- M I150 S00720 1013 llllSO p mWasblceton Junction and way points 113339 00 a m 1 15 ii SO 5 30 p raBaltimore week days S3 00 5 a 8 30x7 03 7 SO XS 30 8 J5 x9 W xlO 00 11 50 ain il2 noon xl 35 x3 00 x4 00 X4S0453 X5 03 3 25 x5 20 0 30 xS 00 xlO 00on v is r m Sundsvs xS 00 x7 037 SO xS 30 X9 00 a m Xl2 20 1 15 X3 00x3 SO x5 05 C 30 xS 00 XIO OO xllUiO llSJVROYAL BLUE LINEAll trains illuminated with Pmt ch lightDairoore Philadelphia New York Bostonand thEut 3 00 -7-05 Diner 1320 Bu3feO 9 00 Diner 110 00 Diner a m12 Diner J CO Royal UmitcLDiner 114 03 Philadelphia only 5 OiWner a OOanc MI SO p in Sleeping Coren at 10 00 oclockAtlantic City 11700 H100O a D I12MnCDally HEicept Sunday Sunday onlyiVrrifesc trainsnsrcajre called for and checked from hotelsttjncea Transfer Co on ordersWFor further Information apply at bv Unionnj niya3 k ana rcaiurui - timi svngeneral ulk v uu tuand N Y ave or 7th at wharf Washlnrton D CPhone 2290 JNO CALLAHAN Cm MerMONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATEMONEY TO LOANON 11EVL ESTATE IN D CNO DELAY BEYOND EY VMINAT10N OFTITLEWALTER H ACKER701 llta St N VYMONEY TO LOANAt 4H to5Por CentOn approved city real estate at 4 414 and 3per cent interest Special privileges with respect to prior payments Large amounts aspecialtyTYLER RUTHERFORD INC1307 F St N Wled at t cket omces oia ujrotthweit New- Ycrk Vvenue ana Mftecntirt J at stationWASHINGTON SOUTHERNRAILWAYP Tt hnnii a SJld COintl South TioYlexandna and Frederick burg Ive stationtfc and B st eeu 433 a m 343 p ra dulydining car tor Richmond oni points va AtTai uc Coi1 Lire acd Florida 10 II a ra7 00 p m daily Florida and MetrapoUtaalimited for Richmond and points on sea-i beard Air Line and Horldi 10l a m traiconnecu at Richmond with C ek O By loI Newport News Old Point Comort etc 10 31a ra dally for Rithmond and points on Soutnrn Railway srJ norida dinj ear 740 a iaI week days 4 43 p m rally express for Richmond only Pullman or parlor cars oa alli above trains except 740 a m Accomoodvtion fol tjuantlco 7 n a m Sunday only423 p m week daja 8 00 p m exceptgaturuayE T D ItYtHt IV u IJUAt i lAiuivPresident General ilgr Traillc llgjviicXmond Ya 2ff7e9595c

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