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Resident Evil 6 Sherry Full Nude Mod

Leon:uPl00HeadLeonAsia - leon asia headuPl00HeadLeonDebugId - debug head leon (gives chris)uPl00HeadLeonOmake00 - pirate headuPl00HeadLeonOmake01 - pirate head 2uPl00HeadLeonOmake02 - re2 leonuPl00HeadLeonUsa - tall oaks leon headfor all heads are also variants like: uPl00ACHeadLeonAsia i assume these are cutscene heads?uPl00LeonAsia - body asiauPl00LeonDebugId debug body (re4 like body)uPl00LeonOmake00 - pirate body reduPl00LeonOmake01 - blue pirate bodyuPl00LeonOmake02 re2 bodyuPl00LeonUsa usa bodyHelena:uPl01HeadHelenaAsia asia helena headuPl01HeadHelenaDebola head when helena carries debborahuPl01HeadHelenaDebugId debug helena headuPl01HeadHelenaOmake00 head for special costumeuPl01HeadHelenaOmake01 head for 2nd special costumeuPl01HeadHelenaOmake02 retro outfituPl01HeadHelenaUsa tall oaks helena headuPl01HelenaAsia asia helenauPl01HelenaDebola helena + debsteruPl01HelenaDebugId helena debuguPl01HelenaOmake00 special costume bodyuPl01HelenaOmake01 alternate specialuPl01HelenaOmake02 retro outfit bodyuPl01HelenaUsa USA helenaChris:uPl02ChrisAsia Asia chris bodyuPl02ChrisBad chris body from the opening (drunk in bar)uPl02ChrisDebugId debug chris bodyuPl02ChrisEurope chris europe bodyuPl02ChrisOmake00 samurai bodyuPl02ChrisOmake01 alternate samurai bodyuPl02ChrisOmake02 retro bodyuPl02HeadChrisAsia asia head chrisuPl02HeadChrisBad chris bad head (from opening)uPl02HeadChrisDebugId debug headuPl02HeadChrisEurope EU headuPl02HeadChrisOmake00 samurai headuPl02HeadChrisOmake01 alternate samurai headuPl02HeadChrisOmake02 retro headPiers:uPl03HeadPiersAsia piers asia headuPl03HeadPiersCanon piers head mutated j'avo formuPl03HeadPiersDebugId debug piers headuPl03HeadPiersEurope EU piers headuPl03HeadPiersOmake00 special costume headuPl03HeadPiersOmake01 alternateuPl03HeadPiersOmake02 retro headuPl03HeadPiersPersonal piers head opening sceneuPl03PiersAsia asia piersuPl03PiersCanon piers as j'avo bodyuPl03PiersDebugId debug piers bodyuPl03PiersEurope EU piers bodyuPl03PiersOmake00 special costume bodyuPl03PiersOmake01 alternateuPl03PiersOmake02 retrouPl03PiersPersonal body piers openinguPl0300InjArm - Piers's right arm. (the original human one).Jake:uPl04HeadJakeAsia jake asia headuPl04HeadJakeDebugId debug head jakeuPl04HeadJakeEurope eu jake headuPl04HeadJakeMonitor jake in "chinese prison" headuPl04HeadJakeOmake00 pimp head jakeuPl04HeadJakeOmake01 alternate pimp headuPl04HeadJakeOmake02 retro headuPl04HeadJakeSnow snow jake headuPl04JakeAsia jake asia bodyuPl04JakeDebugId debug jake bodyuPl04JakeEurope jake EU bodyuPl04JakeMonitor jake wearing only a towel (chinese prison jake) uPl04JakeOmake00 special 1 body (pimp)uPl04JakeOmake01 alternate pimpuPl04JakeOmake02 retro bodyuPl04JakeSnow jake in the snow bodySherry:uPl05HeadSherryAsia asia headuPl05HeadSherryDebugId debug headuPl05HeadSherryEurope eu headuPl05HeadSherryMonitor chinese prison headuPl05HeadSherryOmake00 special 1 headuPl05HeadSherryOmake01 alternate headuPl05HeadSherryOmake02 retro headuPl05HeadSherrySnow snow headuPl05SherryAsia asia sherry bodyuPl05SherryDebugId debug bodyuPl05SherryEurope EU bodyuPl05SherryMonitor chinese prison body (fanservice model)uPl05SherryOmake00 special 1uPl05SherryOmake01 alternate bodyuPl05SherryOmake02 retrouPl05SherrySnow snow sherryADA:uPl06AdaA - Ada bodyuPl06AdaB - Nude AdauPl06AdaCarla carla bodyuPl06AdaDebugId ada debug bodyuPl06AdaOmake00 china dressuPl06AdaOmake01 alternateuPl06AdaOmake02 retrouPl06HeadAdaA - Ada headuPl06HeadAdaB ada nude headuPl06HeadAdaCarla carla headuPl06HeadAdaDebugId debug ada headuPl06HeadAdaOmake00 china dress headuPl06HeadAdaOmake01 alternateuPl06HeadAdaOmake02 retro headagent:uPl07HeadHelper agent headuPl07HelperNormal agent bodyL4d2:uPl30Ellis ellis bodyuPl30HeadEllis ellis headuPl40Coach coach bodyuPl40HeadCoach coach headuPl50HeadNick nick headuPl50Nick nick bodyuPl60Rochelle rochelle bodyuPl60HeadRochelle rochelle headDebug character:uPl99DebugModelTest - re5 chrisuPl99DebugNormal debug body - weird re4 leon with blocky holsters on legsuPl99HeadDebug debug head - a hand?uPlEmo: Voices (Wait,Follow me,etc)uPlVoice: Effect Sounds (Example: Taunt)

Resident Evil 6 Sherry Full Nude Mod


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