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Windows 8 Patcher V1.8


I solved the null pointer problem this way: find the real Microsoft games ( it located in program files on C in windows 7) copy it or download the pack from net. then rename it as Microsoft games2 past it in program files windows 10 ( it will not work if you click on any icon) reinstall the windows 7 games foe windows 10 and play.

Windows 8 Patcher V1.8

thanks a million .I love chess titans but I also love CHESS FUSION in windows 10 But if I have to get it in Windows10 from the MICROSOFT STORE I HAVE TO TAKE ON ALL THESE OTHER APPS I DONT NEED .THESE OTHER APPS INTERFERE WITH THE SYSTEM and how I open up folders I use WINDOWS medie player or veiwer to veiw Documents or Pictures . Iuse ADOBE READER for PDF files .I use GOOGLE CHROME for the internet .Which is the fastest internet brouser in the world . Microsoft should have given away the internet explorer and the Bing bar years ago and done a deal with google chrome .I use AVAST for security the one that works in windows 10. BUT ANYWAY THANKS A MILLION

I am running windows 10 pro insider preview evaluation copy 14257.rs1 release.160131-1800 and the games do not run, MS are blocking them somehow, they channel you to their basic games then they want cash to upgrade pretty poor show in my opinion, no wonder the Pirates make a bundle.

Regarding the windows 7 games on win 10 After upgrading to win 10 ver 1607, the games has stopped working. I have tried to make it run as win 7 , as making win 10 use the 7 adjustments. but nothing seems to work. no reaction at all from the program when one double click it regards leif sund

I use win 8.1 and chess titans in the updated version 2 for windows 7, 8 and 10. But Chess Titans in level 10 freezes the PC after about 30 moves, only shut down is possible. (Level 1 is playing until the end = mate).

I was never able to trap that null pointer error in windows 10. I am looking at that as it might be possible to have the correct (older) dll that does not cause the problem installed and used but I am no expert on windows internals..

As of this latest Windows update, I did NOT find CardGames.dll on Windows 10. However, I DID find CardGames.dll on an old Windows 7 hard drive. Date modified is 7/13/2009. I copied CardGames.dll to C:\windows\system32 and now Solitaire and Free Cell work. Thanks!

The problem is the game bounces back and forth from virtual to physical RAM for graphics pulls. That is most noticeable when there is a lot going on with large numbers of personnel and machines, load screens and movie excerpts. For some reason, these newer OS types like windows 8-10 don't like that sort thing and can conflict and cause many rendering problems/crashes.

The primary reason I use 7+Taskbar is to see the name of each window in a button on the taskbar. When you get to have more than a few windows open, it is important to have some convention for ordering the buttons. I like to alphabetize them, but I hate restarting the browser because I have to go through the alphabetizing process each time.

I think I may have solved this myself, I will share this in case it helps anybody else . . . as a last resort I set up a task in the task Scheduler to start Taskbar Tweaker at start-up, I also set the program to run in compatibly mode with windows 8 (I am running the latest version of Windows 10). Currently, fingers crossed, its working and Taskbar Tweaker is running at start-up once again.

7+ Taskbar Tweaker crashes explorer when I try to enable either the beta or the standard version linked above on the latest Windows 11 insider Dev Build (Build 25267). I am using StartAllBack to bring back the legacy windows 10 taskbar in my case. The error is stating the following: Could not load library (5) Library Initialization failed, perhaps your Windows version is not supported. Is there any way to get it to work? I really want to use some of its functionality..

Easily organizing a bunch of open windows so you can see and access them when you want -- and hide them when you don't -- is handy once you get the hang of it. The ability to snap windows into preset slots on the desktop has been around for a while now, but the new Snap Groups and Snap Layouts offer a few new ways to wrangle your windows.

By hovering over the "maximize" button on the top right corner of most windows, you'll get a pop-up showing a bunch of layout options. Minimize these apps, and you can pop them all back up again in the same exact spots, by hovering over any of the snapped window icons in the task bar.

If you have a gigantic monitor, use multiple monitors or need several thinly sliced web browser windows open at once, it can be handy. On a laptop screen, you're generally not looking at one or maybe two windows at once.

Warning: before you do the patch, create a system restore point or back up termsrv.dll file in c:\windows\system32 folder, just in case something goes wrong along the way.

So what kind of magic this patcher did to make this happen? Basically, it did two things, one to patch the termsrv.dll to allow multi-concurrent users to log in, and one to make two registry changes to allow the TS connection in.

This information is valid and the patcher (and all aspects of this guide) functioned perfectly. Thank you, makes my home desktop much more useful if someone at home can use it while I can from school. 2ff7e9595c


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